Hazel said, “As he read, I fell in love with the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.”(Green 125). This is due to the terminal cancer that Gus was diagnosed with. The archetype star-crossed lovers are used in this novel as well due to Hazel and Gus’ tragic love story. This archetype contributes to my novel because Gus and Hazel both are living with cancer and having to deal with changing the way they live due to it. This archetype exists because not everything is perfect in stories. Lastly, in The Walking Dead, the zombies would be the devil figure since they are taking over the world. Another example would be in Five Feet Apart, Stella has cystic fibrosis and the sickness is the devil figure for her.
For example in Vampire Diaries, Catherine Piece is a devil figure because her main motive in the series is to get revenge.

This archetype has been used in other movies and stories as well. This shows that even though something bad was happening she learned to take good things away from it. Even though something negative was happening to them and their bodies, Hazel learned to take good things away from it and said “Without pain, how could we know joy?¨ (Green 45). The way cancer affects everyone in the support group would be the devil figure because it does not have a good impact on everyone. The devil figure in this novel would be cancer. The purpose it holds in this story is to help provide support to the cancer patients in the group, and help lead Gus and Hazel down a more positive path.Īnother archetype used in The Fault In Our Stars, is a devil figure. This archetype exists because it helps characters grow by having someone to look up to. Also, In The Lion King, Mufasa is a Mentor because he helps his son Simba learn to be strong and brave. In Girl Meets World, Cory, the teacher, is a mentor to all of his students, including Miyahs friends. Some examples of mentors would be in the Karate Kid, Mr, Miyagi is a mentor because he helps him throughout the way. Many other stories use the mentor archetype as well.

He is a mentor because he is there to support everyone who is in the group, and convinces everyone that everything will be okay in the end. The mentor in the story would be Patrcik, who is the leader of the cancer support group that Hazel and Gus attend. One of the archetypes used in The Fault In Our Stars, is a Mentor. There are many archetypes in this story including a Mentor, A devil figure, star crossed lovers, and a supportive friend that bring together the story and ultimately makes the novel complete. In the end of the novel many unexpected things happen, and leaves readers speechless. After Agustus finishes the book Hazel gave him, he uses his Make A Wish Trip, to bring Hazel to Amsterdam to finally get her questions answered about the book, written by author Peter Van Houten.

Throughout the novel the two of them spend a lot of time together, then eventually fall in love. Hazel and Gus immediately connect and create a bond, and both read a book they gave each other. Hazel is suffering with Stage four Thyroid cancer, while Gus is in remission from Osteosarcoma Cancer, which resulted in his amputation of his leg. Hazel Grace meets Gus at a cancer support group. In the book The Fault In Our Stars, Hazel Grace is the main character, along with Augustus Waters, also known as Gus. In the novel, The Fault In Our Stars, by John Green, many archetypes are used to express the characters as individuals, and help piece together the storyline. Writers use archetypes to shape structure into their characters and their literary work as a whole. In literature archetypes are used very often, as they help develop the story better. Archetypes are recurrent situations, symbols, or characters that express certain things. Archetypes frequently appear in literature, films, and even in our daily lives.