Turning off the electricity causes the magnetic field to dissipate. Coiling electrical wire around a core - like an iron nail - creates a magnet when the current is on. As electricity flows through a wire, it generates a magnetic field. All it takes is a little electricity and magnetism.Įlectromagnets take advantage of the relationship between electricity and magnetic fields. Speakers - wireless and wired alike - create sound through vibrations.

The gong's sound won't just be louder than the tiny bell, but also deeper in pitch - the bell creates faster fluctuations in air pressure than the gong does. Faster fluctuations in the atmosphere create sounds with a higher pitch than those that have slower fluctuations. Molecules that really bash into each other create louder sounds - a large mallet striking a huge gong is going to make molecules collide more forcefully than a tiny bell would. The nature of the sound depends upon how forcefully and frequently the molecules bump into each other. This is also why sound doesn't travel in the vacuum of space - there aren't enough particles to collide with each other to propagate sound.

That's because sound generally travels more efficiently through solids than gases. If you put your ear down against a table and have someone gently scratch upon it, you'll hear it loud and clear. Sound can travel through solids, liquids and gases. Your brain then interprets these signals as sound. As the bones vibrate the cochlea, fluid flows against the hairs, which triggers nerve signals that move from the ear to the brain. The cochlea is filled with fluid and tiny little hairs. These bones connect the eardrum to the cochlea in your inner ear. Your eardrum is connected to tiny bones in your middle ear. If you happen to be within range of the wave - the energy dissipates over distance - your eardrum vibrates in reaction to the changes in pressure. Extending outward from the vibrating object is a wave of air pressure fluctuations.